Wednesday, February 29, 2012

5000 Words, But At What Cost?

Video from youtube: Cady Groves - Little Girl
This is the video that is helping me in my newest scene with the sound and feeling I want to get across.

The word goal for today is 5,000 words. This is actually quite easy to hit, as of right now, I only need to write 886 more words and I only just started on the beginning of the dream sequence in the second chapter. But however easy it is for me right now to get through these word deadlines, I'm really not liking what I'm putting out.

From my research and other experiences with writing I knew this was going to happen eventually but this soon in the project surprises me. I haven't exactly hit any type of writers block just yet but this isn't much better. I have to leave this poorly written part of the novel for when I go back to edit after I hit the 50,000 word mark that creates a novel.

I know tonight I'm going to pass the word mark for the third day by quite a few extra words but that doesn't mean I'm going to be happy with what I type, I hope I do.

I also seem to be switching the tense in my story quite a bit. From present to past and I've noticed I've done that on other projects as well.

Here's to hoping that I can fix this and enjoy the words I put into this work.


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